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Holiday Movie Series 2022

Holiday Movie Series 2022
Red River presents four holiday movie favorites!  Classically crafted to enhance your holiday season--- you'll love them regardless of how many times you may have watched them.  Especially enjoyable when seen on a big theater screen with an appreciative audience! And since we're in the holiday spirit, we are pricing this special event at $9 for everyone (25% off our regular special event price!), and only $5 for The Polar Express, so bring the whole family!


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  • Red River is the best cinematic experience that my wife and I have ever had – viewing angle, sound, seating, snacks, staff, web site are top shelf, and the movie selections themselves are talked about for days.

  • My favorite place to see a movie. I always know that whenever I drop in to Red River Theatres, I’ll have a great cinematic experience.

  • Red River Theatres enhances the quality of life in Concord and throughout New Hampshire by offering a continuous selection of the finest and most critically acclaimed movies ranging from independent gems to documentaries to foreign films.

Red River Theatres, Inc.

11 S. Main Street Suite L1-1

Concord, NH 03301

Phone Numbers

Movie Phone: 603.224.4600

Main Office: 603.224.4697

Email Address