Youth v Gov
2020, 150 mins
Presented by: NH Interfaith Power and Light, the League of Conservation Voters, The Conservation Law Foundation, and the Warren B. Rudman Center at UNH Law
Join NH Interfaith Power and Light, the League of Conservation Voters, The Conservation Law Foundation, and the Warren B. Rudman Center at UNH Law for a screening of YOUTH v. GOV followed by an engaging post film panel conversation.
YOUTH v GOV is the story of the Juliana v. The United States of America constitutional lawsuit and the 21 American youth, ages 14 to 25, who are taking on the world’s most powerful government. Since 2015, the legal non-profit Our Children’s Trust, has been representing these youth in their landmark case against the U.S. government for violating their constitutional rights to life, liberty, personal safety, and property through their willful actions in creating the climate crisis they will inherit.
Tickets: $10
Complimentary tickets are available to students. Pick them up in-person or email cmccandless@redrivertheatres.org with you name and the number of tickets.
- Nick Krakoff, Staff Attorney, Conservation Law Foundation
- Rebecca Katz, Environmental Action Club, NH Technical Institute
- John Greabe, Professor of Constitutional Law and Director, Warren B. Rudman Center for Justice, Leadership and Public Service at the University of New Hampshire Franklin Pierce School of Law.