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Tiger Within

98 mins

Presented by: The New Hampshire Jewish Film Festival


Sunday, April 10, 1:00 PM

Red River Theatres, Concord NH

Admission $12/person

Multiple Academy-Award-winner Ed Asner, in one of his last performances, stars in this tender story of the unlikely friendship between Samuel, a Holocaust survivor, and Casey, a skinhead teen runaway. Despite their respective traumas and initial mistrust of one another, they form a powerful bond that yields a sense of family and mutual support for each of them. This absorbing drama sparks larger questions about family, love, and our divided world at large.


In Theatre

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Red River Theatres, Inc.

11 S. Main Street Suite L1-1

Concord, NH 03301

Phone Numbers

Movie Phone: 603.224.4600

Main Office: 603.224.4697

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