The Story of a Three Day Pass
1968, 87 minutes, Not Rated
Note: in English and French with English subtitles.
France, mid 1960’s. During a three day leave a Black American soldier (Harry Baird) meets a white Frenchwoman (Nicole Berger) and a serious romance develops. But when the soldier’s superior officer finds out about the interracial relationship, turmoil ensues. The first feature length film by writer/director Melvin Van Peebles is a bold, dazzling experience, influenced by French cinematic styles (New Wave) and American social complexities. It is considered by many to be one of the great movies of that era.
FYI: Ironically, the recent restoration of Van Peebles’ film was funded by the Hollywood Foreign Press Association—currently in the news for some supercharged diversity issues.
Watch the feature here: https://watch.eventive.org/storyofathreedaypass/play/6096f8e8fd2a10005302c18f