The People Vs. Agent Orange
2021, 86 minutes, Not Rated
Note: portions in French and Vietnamese with English subtitles.
Today, all over the world, a primary compoent of the toxic Agent Orange herbicide controls weeds in farming, forestry, parks and children’s playgrounds. The chemical wreaks havoc on the human genome, causing deformed births and deadly cancers. After decades of struggle and tragic personal losses, two heroic women (an American and a Vietnamese) lead an international movement to end the plague and hold the manufacturers accountable. THE PEOPLE VS. AGENT ORANGE is a disturbing, important and gripping account of the devastation caused by the use and cover up of one of the deadliest chemicals ever dispensed openly.
The film distributor has established a special fund to subsidize ticket sales to affected veterans and their families.
Watch the feature here: https://watch.eventive.org/thepeoplevsagentorange-redriver/play/60341b7996da43004ec1a37b
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