Singin’ in the Rain
1952, 103 min., G
What a glorious feeling… Join us for this very special screening in celebration of our incredible Red River community. As your nonprofit indie cinema, Red River Theatres was meant for you, and we wouldn’t exist without you—without the support and involvement of each and every community member, like you, who has driven us forward. You make it all possible!
Start your morning (and Winter Fest!) with Red River and friends, with this timeless classic back on the big screen! In 1927 Hollywood, a silent-screen swashbuckler finds love while trying to adjust to the new frontier of talking pictures. Gene Kelly, Debbie Reynolds, and Donald O’Connor combine their talents in one of the most-loved and celebrated film musicals of all time. Filled with classics like “Make em’ Laugh” and “Good Morning”, this charming, up-beat comedy is a blast of cinematic fun for the whole family!