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Brian and Charles

2022, 90 min, PG


A lonely, socially awkward Welsh inventor (David Earl) of eccentric gadgets (that seldom work) builds himself a robotic 7 foot companion (Chris Hayward). Miraculously, this creation works—expressing an array of informative facts, some child-like impudence, a strong desire to travel to Hawaii and an obsession for cabbages. Be prepared to fall in love with this delightfully goofy tale (written by actors Earl and Hayward) about how the underdog can prevail.

Starts Friday, June 17.


In Theatre

Ticket Prices

Evening Shows
For all shows beginning at or after 5 PM
Regular Admission $13.50
Student/Senior (62+)/Military $10.75
Red River Theatres Member $10.00

For all shows beginning before 5 PM
Regular Admission (All Ages) $10.75
Red River Theatres Member $9.00

We always encourage purchasing in advance online, over the phone (603-224-4600 ext. 2), or in person! Please note: there is a processing fee on all online orders, but not for over the phone or in person orders.It is also our policy not to refund online ticket purchases.

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Red River Theatres, Inc.

11 S. Main Street Suite L1-1

Concord, NH 03301

Phone Numbers

Movie Phone: 603.224.4600

Main Office: 603.224.4697

Email Address